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Hubertus & Antonia

On the tantric way we got to know each other and to love each other. From both of our experiences we started "Sensual Bodyflow". We initiate evenings, weekends and individual lessons where people can connect in a sensual, touching, joyful and very attentive way.
Hubertus is a qualified didactic Biodanza-Facilitator as well as sensual-trainer/coach. With joy, love and empathy he teaches with his methods to discover human potential and to live in sensuality and empathy. 27 years ago, he followed the call to bring joy, lived love, sensuality and empathy to the people. His spiritual teacher gave him the teachings of Osho on his way. 20 years ago, he discovered the way of biocentric life and biocentric management, which consequently changed his life completely. He quitted his executive position at Siemens with more as 700 employees and since then he has been working on bringing the knowledge of biocentric life in a variety of seminars and workshops to society. He carries the biocentric sensual way of life with joy into the world. He is teaching in Europe, India and China Biodanza and Sensual Bodyflow in tantric groups. In India he became Osho - Sannyas. So he brings meditation with movement and music to the people. Specializations such as "Biodanza in Nature" and "Biodanza in Organizations" are a special concern to him. He developed a methodology that is well accepted and integrated in companies and their employees. As a didactic instructor, he teaches and shares his knowledge in workshops also for trainers. Hubertus Scheidlberger transfers in his seminars and Vivencias vitality, courage, love and enthusiasm. To enjoy the intensely experienced moment in the here and now, is always the main focus of his human work.
Antonia studied graphic design in Vienna and London and works as a graphic designer. She puts the human-emotional focus on her work. Next to her job and her 3 kids she focused since a couple of years on the themes of tantra, sexuality, sensuality, body & mind. Antonia and Hubertus met on the tantric way. SENSUAL BODYFLOW was created on their trip to India. Antonia became sannyasin and got the name Neelam. It includes the words: chrystal, clarity, width & blue diamond.
Together they are now on their way to pass on what they live and experience for themselves.
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