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CLUB for Sensual life, loving & Reside

To promote ideal life, sensual development and extraordinary ideas.

DWe have already announced the start of our club to you. Now we are sharing with you the information on how you can join and what advantages you have in our Sensual Biodanza Family Association. The non-profit association covers many topics for future living, loving and living together, which includes a wide range of additional options.

Become a member of our new club.

and download the membership application, fill it out and send it to us...

Annual membership € 96,-

and your annual fee is valid until January 1, 2025


Biodanza prices for members with annual membership:

Biodanza evening €23,-

Biodanza day  €56,-

Biodanza WE (3 days) €259,-

Biodanza Minotaur (4 days) €380,- 

Biodanza evening block of 3 €64,-

Biodanza evening block of 6 €120,-


Sensual Bodyflow prices for annual membership members:

Sensual Bodflow evening €35,-

Sensual Bodflow Day €100,-

Sensual Bodflow WE Slow6 (4 days) €380,- 

Sensual Bodflow evening block of 3 €100,-

Sensual Bodflow Evening Block of 6 €192,-

For non-members:

Evening membership €2,-

Day membership €8,-

Your advantages of being in the club family:

  1. Cheaper prices than non-members

  2. Possibility of a block of 3 or 6 for Biodanza and Sensual Bodyflow

  3. 2x a year club afternoons (dancing, hugging, sensual encounters & eating with like-minded people)

  4. Dance Evenings “Sens-Floor” for those interested to get to know each other (day membership)

  5. Printed T-shirts or fabric bags e.gat cost price

  6. SENSUAL-MUSIC access link for Spotify

  7. Drip-free-silent-Sensual massageoil bottle

  8. Wish cards for your secret Biodanza and sensual wishes, which we will then take into account in the sessions.

  9. Club groupe and meetings for exchange

  10. Harmony & Challenge analysis sheet about self-image and external image in relation to others (+ 1 hour personal conversation per member) 

  11. The security that meetings/evenings & Weekends can always take place - because “club meetings” can always take place.

Please transfer the annual amount to the following account:
Hubertus Scheidlberger Raika, AT64 3241 3000 0240 8383 Purpose:
Membership fee 2024 + your name


For more love in sexlity and more sexuality in love

2019 © GRAPHICS by Antonia Demmer I LIMETTENBLAU,

ZVR: 1494291921

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